Sunday, May 24, 2009

Now what?

I'm in LA spending time with my wonderful family and friends. On the drive, I kept thinking how nice it was going to be, being back in my old stomping grounds. I've been very homesick lately and was looking forward to coming home a great deal. Now I'm beginning to wonder if its just me missing the good old days and trying to grasp at my dwindling youth, or if its just the realization that this isn't the same LA I left behind. Maybe I need to spend more time here to rediscover its magic.

I've been toying with the idea of moving back since Kayla and I broke up and was no longer tethered to AZ. But now I have a job as a supervisor at DISH Network and really want to push forward with it. So, I guess I'm tethered again. I don't know.

Maybe I'm overglamourizing LA. Maybe it's not the shining beacon of wonder and hope that it is in my heart. But then, I haven't exactly traveled to the nicer parts of the city since I got here today. I've been spoiled by PHX. No lie. The area I live in is akin to West LA. A few sordid areas along the fringe of the neighborhood, but for the most part, very nice and very clean.

What brings this back in my head is that my friend Alex offered me a room in her house for an astounding deal and I don't want to take it just yet for obvious reasons, but I have to admit, it has really piqued my interest. But would moving back, now or later, really be beneficial? I mean, I've made a few friends in PHX, sure, but I know they would all want me to do what's best for me. So now... what is best for me? Staying in Phoenix or coming home?

It sure as hell isn't this uncomfortable chair I'm sitting on. How the hell does my niece deal with this fucking thing?