Friday, February 13, 2009

I've been thinking...

These last couple of weeks that I've been away from work has given me a lot of time to think about what I want to do with my life. Lord knows I don't want to do customer service/tech support my whole life. I've been thinking about going back to school or maybe learning some web design. Point is, I need to do something that isn't tech support. I'd spoken with Anitza about some books on web design. I haven't had much chance to actually look through any books, but I really should get on that. Problem is I can't count on myself to learn on my own. I need to be in a structured learning environment, hence my decision to go back to school. Then I ask myself: "Should I go back to school for web design or should I go back for something bigger?"

The idea of going back to school and getting a 4 year degree scares the living hell out of me. So I thought maybe I should consider schools like ITT Tech or Collins College. I don't know. It's difficult to make these decisions on my own. I like to have the input of my friends. I know what my friends back home would say, but there's only one person who knows me better than I know myself and she's dealing with her own crap right now so I haven't had much chance to talk with her at all lately.

I have a hard time doing things on my own. I don't know why that is. I even missed the Star Trek exhibit that was in town because I had no one to go with, regardless of the fact that I was so super-excited that it was even coming to town. I really should see a therapist about this. This and my issues with death. But I digress.


God, the idea excites me and terrifies me at the same time. I can't afford it, I can't afford to go to work part-time since I'm barely making ends meet as it is and I don't even know what kind of financial aid I can get. I know I sure as hell can't get any loans. Is going to school even realistic? Am I overthinking this?


1 comment:

Anitza said...

You've been off for two weeks?!

I think that you had a great idea with the wanting to get into web design. And the fact that the idea of school is growing on you, well, it just gets me really excited because I remember very clearly how you told me that that it was pretty much never gonna happen.

I think that you should research some programs and see how much time and money you would have to invest to get a certificate. 4 years is too much. I know what you mean about having to have structure or else you won't do it.

I think you should do it. You need to set goals for yourself and follow them. And dude, you will get to open up your social circle too, and that is always a plus. Look into a JC and see what they are offering. You can do this, Memo! Come on!